Wild Wednesday: Dashcams, Qi chargers, free games and more! – CNET

CNET’s Cheapskate scours the web for great deals on PCs, phones, gadgets and much more. Questions about the Cheapskate blog? Find the answers on our FAQ page. Find more great buys on the CNET Deals page and follow the Cheapskate on Facebook and Twitter!

On any given morning, I awake to find my inbox stuffed with offers — some exclusive, some generic — for all manner of products. Today, rather than focus on just one, I thought I’d share a broad sampling. Think of this as a flight of deals — a tasting menu, if you will. 

As always, all the prices are accurate at the time I publish, and all items are in stock. As regular readers know, both can change without notice.

Dashcam, round 1


Dip your toe into the dashcam world with this capable model, on sale for $70.


The people have spoken! You want dashcams? Let’s start with this one.