Sonos’ Next Speaker Could Be its ‘Best-Sounding’ Yet, Leak Says – CNET

Sonos’ Next Speaker Could Be Its ‘Best-Sounding’ Yet, Leak Says – CNET

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The new high-end speaker codenamed Optimo 2 will play sound in almost “all directions,” according to the report.


Sonos has new speakers coming.

James Martin/CNET

A new high-end speaker codenamed Optimo 2 is being produced by Sonos, according to a report Wednesday from The Verge, which purportedly viewed early stage images of the device.

The report describes the Optimo 2 as a “substantial evolution” in design compared to existing products made by the audio company, and says it is supposed to be “the best-sounding speaker that Sonos has ever produced” due to being able to play sound in nearly all directions.

People familiar with product plans told The Verge that the Optimo 2 has double the amount of RAM and up to eight times greater flash memory than any prior Sonos speakers, according to The Verge. The report said the Optimo 2 is poised to become the “swiss army knife of Sonos speakers.”

Sonos could not immediately be reached for comment.

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