The Your Windows is infected with (6) viruses Tech Support Scam is an web browser advertisement shown by scammy affilaites that are promoting various security software. In the particular case where I encountered this websites, it was promoting the PCKeeper software. I want to make it clear that if you see this alert in a web browser then your computer is fine! This is just an advertisement and you should not download any software through this site.
When the Your Windows is infected with (6) viruses Tech Support Scam is displayed in your browser it will display an alert that contains text similar to the following:
Your Windows 7 is infected with (6) viruses!
We’ve detected that your Windows 7 is 41.60% damaged from malicious viruses from your recently visited adult sites. It will soon damage the hard drive and corrupt your contacts, photos, data, applications, etc…
Immediate action is required! Follow the instructions below:
Speed will increase by: 67%
Battery life will increase by: 42%
Computer will be locked out in: 0 minutes and 40 seconds
Here’s what to do (step by step):
Step 1: Click on “REPAIR NOW” and install the recommended software.
Step 2: Open the installed sofware and run a system scan.
Your computer may be damaged by (6) viruses!
Your computer’s registry is 41.60% corrupted due to recently visited adult websites.
Once again, this is just a fake a alert and your computer is not infected with anything, your computer is not damaged, your data is safe, and the site has no idea what is running on your computer. At this same time, for those who have never seen a message like this, they can be quite alarming.
While these advertisements are harmless, if you are constantly seeing these types of tech support scams, or these pages are opening by themselves, then it may be possible that you are infected with an adware or other unwanted program that are displaying them. Once again, do not worry as it is quite easy to remove these infections if you follow the guide below.
Why am I Seeing the Your Windows is infected with (6) viruses Tech Support Scam?
The Your Windows is infected with (6) viruses Tech Support Scam is shown through advertisements that redirect you to sites that display this scam. These advertisements can be displayed by installed adware programs or through less than reputable sites that are displaying them to generate advertising revenue.
For the most part, if you see a browser based tech support scam, then you can simply close the browser and start it again. On the other hand, if you are continuously seeing scams with alerts like “Your Windows is infected with (6) viruses”, then you should scan your computer for adware and remove anything that is found. Last, but not least, if you have contacted the listed phone number and purchased any services from them, you should contact your credit card company and immediately dispute the charges as a scam.
Your computer should now be free of the The Your Windows is infected with (6) viruses Tech Support Scam program. If your current security solution allowed this program on your computer, you may want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please follow the steps outlined in the topic linked below: