Detecting bot attacks | Salted Hash Ep 44

‘); } adCountDown = setInterval(function() { var timeRemaining =[‘bcplayer-page’].vjs.ima3.adsManager.getRemainingTime(); var timeRemainingRounded = Math.round(timeRemaining); if (Math.round(timeRemaining) > 0 && $(“#bcplayer-pageCountdown”).hasClass(‘hidden’)) { $(“#bcplayer-pageCountdown”).removeClass(‘hidden’) } var timeUnit; if (timeRemainingRounded == 1) { timeUnit = ‘second’; } else { timeUnit = ‘seconds’; } $(“#bcplayer-pageCountdown .countdown”).html(Math.round(timeRemaining) + ‘ ‘ + timeUnit + ‘.’); }, 1000); } }); this.on(“adend”, function(){ if (adCountDown) { clearInterval(adCountDown); } $(“#bcplayer-pageCountdown”).remove(); }); this.on(“adserror”,function(event){ try { IDG.GPT.backfillCompanionIfAllEmpty(“gpt-skin”); } catch(e) { console.log (“Unusable IDG.GPT: “+ e); } if (adCountDown) { clearInterval(adCountDown); } $(‘#bcplayer-pageCountdown’).remove(); }); //this fixes weird behavior we were seeing with landscape full-screen videos coming out of full-screen mode on android devices – IDGTV-1208 this.on(“fullscreenchange”, function(){ if(this.isFullscreen()) { $(‘meta[name=viewport]’).attr(‘content’, ‘width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1’); } else { $(‘meta[name=viewport]’).attr(‘content’, ‘width=device-width, initial-scale=1’); } }); }); }); }); });