AMD is also coming out with a new driver today—Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition version 17.8.2—to prepare users for the upcoming Destiny 2 beta next week. The driver also provides additional performance upgrades for two other titles.
Compared to the previous driver, the new software boasts a 4% improvement in performance in Codemasters’ F1 2017, but only on Radeon RX Vega 64 GPUs. The same stipulation goes for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which has an 18% performance improvement delta.
As always, the release of a new driver comes with fixes for multiple issues. However, there are still some lingering problems that might affect usage. Take a look at the list below to see if you noticed any of the listed issues on your PC after installation.
Fixed Issues
Display may blank or go black after install upgrade with Radeon RX Vega Series graphics products.
Random corruption may appear in Microsoft desktop productivity applications on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products.
The “Reset” option in Radeon Settings Gaming tab may enable the “HBCC Memory Segment” feature instead of setting it to the default disabled state.
Radeon WattMan may not reach applied overclock states on Radeon RX Vega series graphics.
Unable to create Eyefinity configurations through the Eyefinity Advanced Setup option.
Known Issues
Mouse stuttering may be observed on some Radeon RX graphics products when Radeon WattMan is open and running in the background or other third party GPU information polling apps are running in the background.
GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications.
Windows Media Player may experience an application hang during video playback if Radeon ReLive is actively recording desktop.
Secondary displays may show corruption or green screen when the display/system enters sleep or hibernate with content playing.
After resuming from sleep and playing back video content the system may become unresponsive on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products.
Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied.
You can read the driver’s full release note on AMD’s website. You can also visit the company’s driver page to download the new software.